I was thinking that the magic of Christmas was over but when I checked my blog this morning another very special gift was waiting for me. 'The Christmas Spirit Award' has been given to me by my friend Margie, thank you so much and also Happy Wedding Anniversary to you and Mr Margie.
With this award I need to blog about 5 reasons about what I love about Christmas and then pass the award onto some others, so here goes:
Giving and receiving of presents - I don't know anyone who who doesn't like receiving presents, I love them. I especially love the handmade presents or ones that have a special meaning and also the ones wrapped up in brown paper and string.
The gorgeous smells of Christmas- The fresh smell of the Christmas Tree when we bring it home, mince pies cooking in the oven, candles burning (favourite scent this Christmas 'Sugared Cranberries'), roast turkey hot from the oven,
A chance to reflect and contemplate- Time off from work means that we have time to think about Christmases past, like last Christmas we went to New York over the holiday period, ah what memories. Its also a time to make plans for the future whether they are pure fantasy or completely achieveable.
Family and Friends- I love having my family around me and remembering those close to me that I don't see often enough or sometimes not at all.
Eating and being merry- The one time of the year that we don't have to count or worry about calories, fat grams, I make a point of not worrying all year any way - lol. My favourite at Christmas time is a lovely glass of red wine with a lovely assortment of cheeses by a roaring fire and good company.
I hope you haven't died of boredom reading all of that! I have to pass this award onto some other lucky people before 12th night, so here are my lucky bloggers, I could list them forever, but then Christmas would be over
Jan at Cinnamon Cottage
the lovely Mel
Jane the Digital Queen
Sheila Stitching Queen in Australia
I hope that you enjoy your award and have as much pleasure as I did passing it on to others.
Keep on blogging. xxx
Your so sweet, thank you, what a lovely thing to say about me!xxx
All done!x
I loved reading why you love Christmas and could imagine all the wonderful things you wrote. Enjoy the start to 2009 and good wishes to you and yours for the whole year through. hugs Margie.
Thankyou for the award stephani and thinking of me, loved reading your post, happy new year to you and your family. jan xx
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