Monday, 4 October 2010

Busy, Busy

I don't know about you but did you suddenly wake up and think oh my goodness its October - How did that happen?  At times it seemed that September was dragging its feet and then whoosh its gone!

Anyhow I have been busy sewing.  A good friend of mine had a birthday a few weeks ago, so of course, I made her a bag.  I just love this fabric it is from the Lantern Bloom fabric line by Laura Gunn.  It is so lovely, and please take my word for it that the colours are so much nicer than they appear in my photograph (especially as I nearly forgot to take a photograph and it was then taken in a rush).

Can you feel a nip in the air yet?  Although day time temperatures have been warm, some days have been warmer than July and August, it cools very quickly at night time.  I have been wearing my fluffy socks at night,  to keep warm.   I don't like to wear slippers!  I do like Autumn but I think I would like it better if it wasn't followed by Winter!  I do not especially like winter, especially here in N Ireland when winter is  usually grey, wet and dark.  My favourite time of the year is Spring because I know that winter is over lol

Nearly forgot to show you something else I have sewn - a baby quilt for another good friend's son and his partner and their new little baby boy.

I love the fabric in this quilt (especially the lambs), I can't remember the names of the fabrics but it was a kit that I bought from Buttonberry, if you are after 1st class customer service then shop here.

I have to tell you about this fabby giveaway (not mine this time) from  the Long Ladies over at Marie-Madeline Studio.  They sell the most delicious fabric and have sewn a gorgeous scrappy quilt which they are being very generous about giving away. Go visit their blog and website Marie-Madeline Studio Quilt Giveaway you have until 15th October to enter.

Keep warm and dry!


Christine said...

What lush fabrics!
I love the bags you make Stephanie and just wanted to wish you every success in your new selling venture!
Best wishes

WinnibriggsHouse said...

That bag is super, your friend is very lucky. Also love that quilt, what great fabric.

Unknown said...

Gorgeous bag! And the quilt looks really lovely as well! :) x

Micki said...

That bag and the fabric you chose is just wonderful!

Catherine said...

I hope your friends realize how lucky they are receiving such wonderful gifts.

Micki said...

I love the bag and the quilt you made. They are both so lovely. We will have to meet one day Steph...we are practically neighbors.