Here is my tutorial for making a baby bag (the hard way!)
Select a piece of expensive fabric making sure that you only have enough for this one project.
Pay particular attention to the pattern instructions so that you are completely at ease and familar with the making of this pattern.
Follow the golden rule of 'Measure Twice and Cut Once'.
Carefully fuse the appropriate interfacing to the fabric and label each piece.
Read the pattern instructions for a second or even third time.
Fill a couple of bobbins with the specially bought and carefully matched thread to ensure you don't run out half way through the project.
Start sewing and then half way through the project ..............................
Get that sickening feeling in your stomach when you realise you are using a directional print fabric and you have not taken this into consideration when cutting.
Scream loudly throw all your fabric into the bin
Vow never to sew another thing again - grrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!
This is why I have used different fabrics, pattern and also why there has been a gap of a few weeks from my first postabout making the baby bag.
My apologies to my friend, her daughter and the new baby for having to wait such a long time for their bag.
The only positive point about this fiasco is that I have now made elasticated pockets, a first for me, and that is something I am happy with. (Camera work not great, not sure what happened, the picture of the complete bag is the most accurate colour of the fabric).
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