Sunday, 5 October 2008

A New Look

I have after quite a few moments of head scratching and muttering, managed to work out how to change the background of my blog. I am not very adventurous on the computer but I think I am happy with the look of this one (for the moment). I could not have done this without the help of SJH Blog Design this involves some copying and pasting from her very clear and easy to understand instructions - if I can do this I guarantee you will too, give it a go.

The digital papers I bought from The Shabby Shoppe from a beautiful range called 'Olivia' and I bought the ready made banner from The Shabby Shoppe as well and then just added my name.

I am feeling that I have accomplished something this afternoon, no sewing done mind you, but I am starting to feel that the blog looks more like I want it to - although there are no guarantees that it will be like this for long as I feel a new addiction coming on - hehe.

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