This is just a sneak preview of what I have been working on. I can't show you the rest or tell you what they are until after next weekend - shh its a secret. Whats happening next weekend I hear you ask? Well, I am off to the north coast for a weekend of scrapbooking (ahh heaven!) with some like minded women (The Scrap Angels) - I can't wait. We leave on Friday late afternoon and don't come home until Sunday afternoon, beautiful meals made for us, fabulous surroundings, absolutely the best company, scrapping all day long, no housework, what more could a girl ask for. So I have been asked to make a little something for the organisers, demonstrators and cooks of the weekend. I am so pleased to do this as they give so much to all of us - thank you girls for your inspiration and for looking after us so well. The project I am working on at the moment is a new one for me and so far I have enjoyed making them and the best part is trying to make something to suit the personality of each one. I hope they like the end results.
I can't believe it has been a whole year since we were there last and boy did we enjoy it. I think we all came home wearing a few more calories than we went with, great finished projects and sore muscles(!) - not from exercising but from laughing, all weekend long - hehe.
I am also working on finishing my Secret Stitching Angel projects. I think that I will be sorry to see the end of this swap as I really would like to keep in touch with my angel (and I hope she will to) as she is the one who has been instrumental in introducing me to the magical world of blogging and I also look forward to her emails. I feel that I have made a great new friend. I am still not sure where she is from but hopefully I should find out quite soon.
Hi you have been tagged! Check out my blog to see what you should do next!
Sounds fun....i had a meet up, was fun...and we are planning another, but a craft day!
Glad to meet you!
Your blog looks cute!
Love the bags!
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