Friday, 7 January 2011

Have you Tried This Yet?

First of all if would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year!

OK now onto explaing the title bit .......................I have seen demonstrations, online, of how this works but I have never tried it until now!

My lovely hubby bought me this kit for Christmas, isn't he a sweetie, he knows I love sewing bags or anything in fabric for that matter.

I was so excited (mention fabric and it doesn't take much lol) and set to sewing it up right away.  There is a little bit of preparation to be carried out first, diagonal stitching across the whole length of fabric and then the fun part. After the diagonal stitching, with my fabric, wadding and shrink fabric sandwich, you fire up your steam iron and steam (the iron never touches the shrink fabric) the shrink fabric side and hey presto before your eyes the fabric starts to shrink and pucker (in the nicest way).

Here are a photos of the process, they aren't great photos as it was at night time. and I was very impatient lol.

This was the outer fabric before shrinking.
 This is the shrink fabric side.

and this is the gorgeous shrinky look that you get get when you steam it.

I forgot to photograph the finished bag (silly me) but as soon as I do I will post a copy for you to see.

I have also ordered a small fortune worth of fabric from the internet (note to self, must remember to hide all evidence of new fabric before hubby comes home!!!!!! ).

I have listed lots of fab giveaways in my side bar, please take a look at enter as you still have plenty of time left.


Unknown said...

That looks great! I want fabric that does that! Off to look for some now! :) x

Micki said...

Is that Texture Magic, as i have tried that?