Saturday, 9 July 2011

Desperately Seeking ......................

UPDATE:  My lovely friend Carole at Prim n Raggedy found just the right fabric for me so I have ordered, thank you so much my search is over.

I am in love with this fabric, Amy Butler of course, and I am desperately looking for some yardage. 
I don't know why but I always seem to love a fabric after it has stopped being printed!
If you have seen this fabric anywhere or have a couple of yards/metres lying around unused I would be delighted to hear about it.

Amy Butler - Maroon - Grandiflora - home decor weight

Isn't it goregous? 

I would like to make a couple of roman blinds (this is the home decor weight fabric) so ideally I would love 4 yards/metres but I can use contrasting fabrics if I can only manage to get hold of 2 yards/metres.
So pretty please can you check your stash or keep your eyes peeled if out and about or while
surfing on the www.
If you do manage to acquire some please contact me.
I will of course pay for the fabric and posting.
 I will even make you your very own unique handmade, by me, bag.

Many, many thanks in advance


Prim n Raggedy said...

Hi Stephanie....check out this site which has it, and international shipping is reasonable too xx

Prim n Raggedy said...

Oops silly me forgot to add the link :0)
here it is:

Prim n Raggedy said...

And another one Stephanie! x